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I Built The Cross - To Deface Grace
Şarkı Adı: To Deface Grace
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Flesh against flesh. Destroyer of beauty, so alluring, eternally devastating. A
sick perversion of intimacy. So deeply rooted into my heart, Lord free me from
this. Help me stay focused. On my own strength alone, this battle can't be won.
This immorality is accepted (embraced), increasing my struggle (ten fold).
Sometimes I feel so alone in this. Show me the face of your forgiveness. Grant
me the will of the fight so that I may stand my ground. Help me overcome this.
Where does my heart truly lay, oh God? Heal me. Mold me. Reconcile my troubled

conscience. This is the cry of my heart to worship you alone. Yet here I am
adorning my flesh. Giving glory to the act rather than its intended meaning. I
am so tired, so worn. Will I ever be free from this? I'll put my faith in your
redemption from this prison I've willingly locked myself within. Break these
chains. Release me. Where can I rest my head? All strength feels lost. Your
design is so flawless. Your only intention is to save us from heartbreak. Why
do I fight to keep my head underwater? Lord, I now understand. Please make this
knowledge livable. This is my prayer: make me who you want me to be. Make in me
a new creation. To live like you is my goal. Now fill my heart while I climb
out of this hole.

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