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I Built The Cross - Head High Heavy Heart
Şarkı Adı: Head High Heavy Heart
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[Charlatan cover]
[Lyrics by Bobby Curtin]
Hold your head high heavy heart. Things can only get better from here. Let Him
be your light through dark times. Hold your head high heavy heart. Press on
press on through dark times. Don't let them get you down. They're only words
without meaning x2. AND I PROMISE YOU! Things can only get better from here.

Don't let them get you down. You've come so far. OH! Will you hold onto your
promise and keep pressing on? There's light on the horizon. I promise you this.
Don't let them get you down. You've come so far. Hold onto your promise. And
keep pressing on! Press on press on through dark times. Don't let them get you
down. They're only words without meaning. There's light on the horizon. I
promise you this. Don't let them get you down. You've come so far. Hold your
head high. PICK IT UP! OH! There's light on the horizon.

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