21 Eylül 2024
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Şarkıcıya Göre: A, B, C-Ç, D, E, F, G, H, I-İ, J, K, L, M, N, O-Ö, P, R, S, T, U-Ü, V, Y, Z...
Say Anything - Little Girls
Şarkı Adı: Little Girls
Söyleyen: Say Anything - Tüm Şarkıları »
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Görüntüleme: 668

I kill, kill, kill little girls.
I kill, kill, kill little girls.
It's such a thrill, thrill, thrill to the world
when I kill, kill, kill little girls.

Don't you come near me.
Don't you come close to me.
Why don't you fear me?
Don't dance so close to me.
Don't you come near me.
Don't you come close to me.
Because they wont let me stop now.

I hate, hate, hate what you are.
(You're so pretty when you fly right by.)
I hate, hate, hate what you are.
(I wanna pluck out your filthy eye.)
Cuz I'm the punk rock, punk rock star!
(You are everything I despise.)
I hate, hate, hate what you are.

Don't you come near me.
Don't you come close to me.
Why don't you fear me?
Don't dance so close to me.
Don't you come near me.
Don't you come close to me.
Because they wont let me stop now.
Because I wont stop, can't stop now.

Lost 12 hours of my day,
but it's okay,
just black it out.
Evil things in my pants
forever fearing contact.
Woah, yeah!

Now I know why I wanna be left alone.
Lost 12 hours of my day,
but it's okay,
just black it out.

I'm a psycho!
I'm a psycho!

Don't you come near me. (I'm a psycho. Whoa!)
Don't come close to me. (I'm a psycho. Whoa! )
Why don't you fear me? (I'm a psycho. Whoa!)
Don't dance so close to me. (I'm a psycho. Whoa!)

Because they won't let me stop now.
Because I wont stop, can't stop now.
Because they won't let me stop now.

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Say Anything Şarkıları

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