10 Haziran 2024
Şarkıya Göre: A, B, C-Ç, D, E, F, G, H, I-İ, J, K, L, M, N, O-Ö, P, R, S, T, U-Ü, V, Y, Z...
Şarkıcıya Göre: A, B, C-Ç, D, E, F, G, H, I-İ, J, K, L, M, N, O-Ö, P, R, S, T, U-Ü, V, Y, Z...
Venus Hum - Hummingbirds
Şarkı Adı: Hummingbirds
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Some of my favourite colours in the world
Beat against my eyelids with the blues of green hummingbirds
Some of my favourite colours in the world
Beat against my eyelids with the reds of pink hummingbirds
Blue Moon
So white
So scared
To come out tonight
It's too dark
For him
He's just a boy
With a man's grin
Crane and the swan-Wingspan across
Lake's silver light-The ivory night
Some of my favourite colours in the world
Beat against my eyelids with the blues of green hummingbirds
Some of my favourite colours in the world
Beat against my eyelids with the reds of pink hummingbirds
Godiva Girl
Swimming in chocolate
Winged foil heart cardinals
Oh but February stopped it
Red Bird
Scared white
She's just a girl
With a woman's smile

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Venus Hum Şarkıları

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