21 Eylül 2024
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T-Pain - Feed The Lions Skit
Şarkı Adı: Feed The Lions Skit
Söyleyen: T-Pain - Tüm Şarkıları »
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Now no-no-now nigga just, just sit down for a minute man
Cause I gotta get somethin off my chest.
You understand me?
I'm on the high wire at every night.
You understand me?
Balancing on that bitch is a motherf**ker.
You understand me?
So you know, I'm balancin on that motherf**ker
And he gon give me you know, twos and fews, twos and fews.
Eerryy time twos and fews
But them motherf**kin midgets is gettin paid man, I'm tellin you.
That little bitty motherf**ker
You understand me?
But this little ring leader cat
You know, I'm sayin every time I sit him down I'm talkin to him
I'm sayin hey mayne look here, look here, can I get a raise?
You know what I'm sayin?
Hows a motherf**ker half my motherf**kin size gettin paid more than me?
You understand me?
I'm gettin half of the money and I'm taller than the motherf**ker.
Shit is crazy mayne.
You kno what I'm sayin?
The lion came out the motherf**kin cage? Aiight?
White people sittin on the front row
Like they do.
You understand me?
One of em wanna throw some popcorn at the lion.
I knew the motherf**kers hungry
Cuz they didn't feed the motherf**ker at the last show
You understand me?
We stopped in kansas city, missouri and the motherf**ker didn't even feed the lion.
What happened?
Three ate up lil white childern.
Who he blame it on?
You understand me?
That's some bullshit!
I don't feed the animals and the high wire
That's bullshit!
T-Pain: Y'all better not be smokin in my shit man!
Say what?
T-pain: Stop smokin in my f**kin cadillac man!
T-Pain: Yes you is! Nigga, I see it!
I don't even know why you keep trippin on that shit!
T-Pain: becuz nigga that's my shit!
You understand me? It got a ashtray in the front the back the side all up in this motherf**ker
T-Pain: That don't mean nothin!
Why you gotta ashtray you don't want nobody smokin in the motherf**ker!
T-Pain: Cause I can motherf**ker!
Well why we gotta ride in the god damn cadillac to begin wit!
You aint got no regular motherf**kin transportation for a motherf**ker?

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