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Infernaeon - Embodiment Of Sin
Şarkı Adı: Embodiment Of Sin
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"Who are you to judge me" said the serpent to the swine
While you're caught in the gaze of this predator's eyes
Prose of pain I give you forbidden by your god
This will be my life's work said the Marquis De Sade
You worship empty thrones and powers you live in fear of your final hours
Your lives were a trial waiting to be judged
I would soon defile this world your god
I will free my demons through the quill your innocence I will kill
Deep in the depths of a masochistic mind your pain and my pleasure now unite
The walls of Vercenne's couldn't keep me in I am the embodiment of all sin
Embodiment of sin
"Who are you to question" said the master to the slave
While you lie here in wait to the though of eternal rape
Indulging darkest fantasies granted by my noble right
I will condemn your soul on this godless night
Your child's life was lost at La Coste
Adored by some and feared by most
Evil is a mortal entity and not a created one
An eternal entity and not a perishable one
It existed before the world and it constituted the monstrous
The excretable being who was also to fashion a hideous world
It will hence exist even after the creatures which inhabit this world do not
Deep in the depths of a masochistic mind your pain and my pleasure now unite
The walls of Vercenne's couldn't keep me in I am the embodiment of all sin
Deep in the depths of a malevolent mind teach the ways of my sadistic kinds
Denied bastille the pleasure of keeping me in I am the embodiment of all sin
No sensation is keener than pain its impressions are unmistakable
You can't reclaim what I stole from you or the pain your child went through
Deep in the depths of a masochistic mind your pain and my pleasure now unite
The walls of Vercenne's couldn't keep me in
I am the embodiment of sin

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