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Indesinence - Neptunian
Şarkı Adı: Neptunian
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The waves will drift closer ashore to engulf
The brave and the fearful, the aged and the young
They carry all illusions of beautitude and joy
Slithering through the dirt, from the wellspring into the tomb
They carry the sounds of weeping and the stench of rot
Beneath crystalline streams dread looms, so cold
The freshness of the morning turns meaningless at sundown
Blue skies seem so much brighter from the bowels of this hole
Slender and beautiful, your body corrodes
One gentle breeze and your limbs are gone
Out of your veins flow water and ash
The moon is grinning, "You'll soon reach the stars in Neptunian depths"
Embraced by roots, caressed by leeches, filled with pearls
Sleep, wonderful, in Neptunian depths

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