21 Eylül 2024
Şarkıya Göre: A, B, C-Ç, D, E, F, G, H, I-İ, J, K, L, M, N, O-Ö, P, R, S, T, U-Ü, V, Y, Z...
Şarkıcıya Göre: A, B, C-Ç, D, E, F, G, H, I-İ, J, K, L, M, N, O-Ö, P, R, S, T, U-Ü, V, Y, Z...
George Michael - I Remember You
Şarkı Adı: I Remember You
Söyleyen: George Michael - Tüm Şarkıları »
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Görüntüleme: 1270

I remember you
you're the one who made my dreams come true
a few kisses ago

I remember you
you're the one who said I love you too
didn't you know

I remember too
a distant bell
and stars that fell
like rain out of the blue

when my life is through
and the angels ask me to recall
the thrill of them all
then I will tell them I remember you

I remember you
you're the one who made my dreams come true
a few kisses ago

I remember you
you're the one who said I love you too
didn't you know

I remember too
a distant bell
and stars that fell
like rain out of the blue
I miss you darling

when my life is through
and the angels ask me to recall
the thrill of them all
then I will tell them I remember you

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George Michael Şarkıları

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