21 Eylül 2024
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Cyndi Lauper - Water's Edge
Şarkı Adı: Water's Edge
Söyleyen: Cyndi Lauper - Tüm Şarkıları »
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(Cyndi Lauper, Rob Hyman)

I went to the water's edge, forgot I couldn't swim
I went to the water's edge, all ready to jump in
I saw the water shimmer
I heard the wind howl
I saw my own reflection
I just can't see it now

You say it's the way of the world
To somehow co-exists
That eventually life unfurls
A path to happiness

So I whisper your little secret
And repeat it under my breath
I'll save it for you in my heart
In case we both forget

Oh, I wish you could wrap yourself around me
I am gripped by a loneliness
Oh, I wish you could wrap yourself around me
I'd be released in your tenderness
I'd be released in your tenderness

I went to the water's edge and saw my life eclipse
I went to the water's edge and then felt myself slip
I dreamed that I was floating, just coast until I grew fins
I want to catch this tide back home and feel you again

Oh, I wish you could wrap yourself around me
I am gripped by a loneliness
Oh, I wish you could wrap yourself around me
I'd be released in your tenderness
Oh, I wish you could wrap yourself around me
I am gripped by a loneliness
Oh, I wish you could wrap yourself around me
I'd be released in your tenderness
I'd be released in your tenderness
I'd be released in your tenderness

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