21 Eylül 2024
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Bob Dylan - Got My Mind Made Up
Şarkı Adı: Got My Mind Made Up
Söyleyen: Bob Dylan - Tüm Şarkıları »
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Don't ever try to change me
I been in this thing too long
There's nothing you can say or do
To make me think I'm wrong
Well I'm going off to Libya
There's guy I gotta see
He's been living there three years now
In an oil refinery
I've got my mind made up
I've got my mind made up.

Call your Ma in Talahassee
Tell her her baby's on the line
Tell her not to worry
Everything is gonna be fine
Well I gave you all my money
All my connections too
There ain't nothing in this world girl
You can say I didn't give to you
I've got my mind made up
I've got my mind made up.

You will be alright girl
Someone's watching over you
He won't do nothing to you
Baby that I wouldn't do
Well if you don't want to see me
Look the other way
You don't have to feed me
I ain't your dog that's gone astray
I've got my mind made up
I've got my mind made up.
I've got my mind made up
I've got my mind made up.
I've got my mind made up.

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Bob Dylan Şarkıları

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