21 Eylül 2024
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Şarkıcıya Göre: A, B, C-Ç, D, E, F, G, H, I-İ, J, K, L, M, N, O-Ö, P, R, S, T, U-Ü, V, Y, Z...
Van Canto - I Am Human
Şarkı Adı: I Am Human
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As soon as a new day arrives
I reorder my life
Walking on a million roads at a time
There is no end to see
Still I'm following me
Keen on where I get to finally be
What was done is done
I built my life upon
Every breath that I take
There will be no regret
As long as I won't forget
That one decision to make
I am human
Will be forever
Still I hope things change to better
I am human
Will be forever
I have come to be forevermore
Tell me I'm not doing right
That I'm diverging inside
Still I'm able to turn days into nights
The best decision of mine
Living to intensify
And to give it more than just one try
So what was done is done
I built my life upon
Every breath that I take
There will be no regret
As long as I won't forget
That one decision to make

I am human
Will be forever
Still I hope things change to better
I am human
Will be forever
I have come to be forevermore
I am human
Will be forever
Still I hope things change to better
Am I godlike?
A non-believer?
Am I strong and still get weaker?
Bring the light to deepest darkness
Coldest nights will end to start this
I am human
Will be forever
I have come to be forevermore
From a storm to come
To a deed undone
I'll allways be under burning suns
I am human
Will be forever
Still I hope things change to better
Am I godlike?
A non-believer?
Am I strong and still get weaker?
Bring the light to deepest darkness
Coldest nights will end to start this
I am human
Will be forever
I have come to be forevermore

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