21 Eylül 2024
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Şarkıcıya Göre: A, B, C-Ç, D, E, F, G, H, I-İ, J, K, L, M, N, O-Ö, P, R, S, T, U-Ü, V, Y, Z...
Crystal Ball - Gods Of Rock
Şarkı Adı: Gods Of Rock
Söyleyen: Crystal Ball - Tüm Şarkıları »
Puan: 0.0 (0 kişi oyladı)
Görüntüleme: 248

You make me feel like I'm coming home
You are my rock when I'm alone
Your lasting force is all I've known
You led the way to the metal zone

You give me strength to carry on
You're always there where ever I may roam

You rule my night
You reign my day
You make me want you to obey
Tonight are hail the gods
The gods of rock
You play it loud
You make us proud
And you take over all the crowd
Tonight me hail the gods
The gods of rock

You shaped my life with your heavy tone
You helped me choose that great unknown
You make me work down to the bone
You led me to that thunderdome

You give me strength to carry on
You're always there where ever I may roam

You rule my night
You reign my day
You make me want you to obey
Tonight are hail the gods
The gods of rock
You play it loud
You make us proud
And you take over all the crowd
Tonight me hail the gods
The gods of rock

You rule my night...

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Crystal Ball Şarkıları

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