06 Haziran 2024
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Şarkıcıya Göre: A, B, C-Ç, D, E, F, G, H, I-İ, J, K, L, M, N, O-Ö, P, R, S, T, U-Ü, V, Y, Z...
Burnıng Cırcle - Murphy's Law
Şarkı Adı: Murphy's Law
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[Bonus Track]

[Music by P. Pavlovic, Lyrics by A. Stojkovic]

Who can say what is right and what is wrong?
When you stand for it –
They violently shut your face,
And punish you every time you deserve reward,
And steal away your honor,
Bargain away your disgrace!

In my life I've seen so much disrespect,
Oppression and repression,
Every man for himself,
The cold-hearted 'beings' ignore & neglect,
The 'true believers' of the market shelf.

Well it seems much more than I can bear,
Wouldn't it be better if I wouldn't care?

Can't stop the poison gas, or the acid rain,
One vote amongst the billion
Won't turn the tide,
The gulf stream is slowing down
Into the new ice age,
Pedal to the metal and enjoy your ride!

Can't save the world while singing a song,
Neither the rainforests, nor the whales,
You can live in peace
And pray that nothing goes wrong,
Eat healthy food and die anyway.

Well it seems much more than i can chew,
So I'll spit it out before I'm through!

Well, all you can do is pity the fool,
The ignorant mob may you ridicule,
Laugh in their face, or don't care at all,
Relax and just obey the Murphy's law!

But what can you do – play by the rule?,
Be a hard core jackass, or ride that mule,
Yes – you can go wild, and swear and curse,
But it's gonna get even worse!

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